Saturday, January 27, 2007

Yea! Today is finally HUG DAY!

I am really excited about today. I have been watching HUG related video on YouTube to get in the mood.

So I hope to hug ya, see ya today at Nathan Phillips Square sort of North of the skate rink or near the stage where the band the Bicycles are playing - as they are in support of this hug activity and are going to do a shout out to get the hugs rolling.

I will still be in the red hat. And I have made loads of HUG DAY signs - so you can't miss the HUG DAY clan!

Hug Day is a reminder modern culture can be cold and typically thrives on over-sexed ideas of physically contact. Hugging is an ideal way to increase contact with others around us in a healthy, mutually beneficial way.



Anonymous said...

Hug Day was fun, thanks for organizing.

Boothe said...

Had a lot of fun. I saw some business cards being traded and I wish I brought mine with me. Hugged a lot of great people today.

Hope to see you all at the next Hug Day.